If you were a fictional character, I think you would have the following superpowers.
You would have the power to turn coal into gold. Because of your intrinsic ability for invention, you're able to make the situation bend to your will. A good example of this would be your actions in the studio, specifically making do with very little in terms of budget to create work that is high scale and very well produced.
You would have the power to command an army with just your words. From working with you, I've had the pleasure to see you organize and inspire others to work hard. When you speak, your words inspire action due to your leadership.
Your last power would definitely be shapeshifting. From what I've seen of you, you're able to take on whatever role is thrown your way. It might sometimes take more work, like taking courses and working overtime, but you have no fear when it comes to being something or someone else. You can wear any skin you wish when you put your mind to it.
I. Radostin - Creative Director & Author
1. Knowledgeable: You are constantly looking to learn and gather insights from different industries to apply to what you already know. Not only that, but you are also someone that keeps learning from the people around you. You are always willing to share everything you know to your colleagues, your friends and whoever wants to learn.
2. Your vision: Your vision goes beyond being one more human in an organization. You pour your heart into what you do. You make sure you have a purpose attached to your actions. You outline the positive first and prioritize listing the good qualities in order to tackle what needs improvement.
3. Perseverance: You don’t give up. You learn & implement. This has made you grow and stretch your horizons tremendously.
4. Organized: I learned to structure my workflow with your tips and tricks and by observing you. I like how you always keep order in your projects, even when you are multitasking, it shows that you can handle different things at the same time.
Jema Reyes - Designer & Entrepreneur
3 of your super lady power skills:
- You're an achiever, you make sure projects become reality and deadlines are met responsibly.
- You're a leader who can connect with your teammates and is not afraid to work hard with them instead of just delegating.
- You are realistic about the logistics and demands of a project without promising unrealistic results or assuming others’ capabilities.
M. Castro - Graphic Designer & Visual Communicator